C2C Charter


Colleague to Colleague (C2C) originated as the staff development sub-group of the Heartland Alliance, but subsequently has become a professional association of faculty, staff and administrators from a variety of Kansas and Missouri institutions. Our goal is to share technology expertise, resources, and training with a special emphasis on distance education and instructional technology in Kansas and Missouri.

Expand the items below to read C2C’s Charter.


Colleague 2 Colleague (C2C) is designed to facilitate the exchange of information and expertise between faculty and staff who are involved or interested in instructional technology, online instruction, and distance education through professional development sessions, conferences, and networking. The organization’s primary focus is on staff development and collaboration between all educational institutions’ professionals in the Midwest.


C2C membership is open to all interested faculty, staff, and students from participating C2C institutions and partnering organizations. Participating institutions in C2C include schools, community colleges, technical colleges, and state and private universities in the midwest with common interests and goals. All general meetings of the organization are open to the entire membership.

Voting Rights

When issues come before the membership through a formal vote, each individual member from a participating institution or partnering organization shall have a single vote. A quorum of officers is required to attend for a vote to be taken. Robert’s Rules of Order will be the basis of parliamentary procedure (latest edition).


Shall preside over all general meetings of the organization, to include steering committee meetings, conferences, and symposia, and coordinate its activities during his/her term of office. The Chairperson, along with the Treasurer, shall serve as the authorized signers on all accounts payable for C2C. The Chairperson will assume this role and position prior to and announced at the Summer Institute on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (SIDLIT) each year and shall serve a term of one year. In the case the Chairperson is temporarily unable to perform their duties, the Vice-Chair shall serve in their absence. A monetary stipend shall be provided to the Chairperson determined by a yearly vote from the SIDLIT steering committee. The Chairperson shall also receive free registration to all C2C events.


Shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Chairperson and shall assist the Chairperson as needed. The Vice-Chairperson shall be elected prior to and announced at the Summer Institute on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (SIDLIT) each year and shall serve a term of one year. After completion of the academic year, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume the position of C2C Chairperson for the subsequent academic year. Persons nominated for this position must have served on the Steering Committee for at least one year. The Vice-Chairperson shall oversee the C2C website and social media accounts. A monetary stipend shall be provided to the Vice-Chairperson determined by a yearly vote from the SIDLIT steering committee. The Vice-Chairperson shall also receive free registration to all C2C events.


Shall maintain the membership directory and the listserv. The Secretary will keep the minutes of all C2C meetings including SIDLIT and provide them electronically to the Chairperson to review, and coordinate the collection of records from subcommittees. Upon the Chairperson’s approval, the Secretary will make all minutes available on the C2C’s website. The Secretary will see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. A monetary stipend shall be provided to the Secretary determined by a yearly vote from the SIDLIT steering committee. The Secretary shall also receive free registration to all C2C events.


Shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of C2C; receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the C2C from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such monies in the name of the C2C bank. A treasurer’s report will be made available at every official meeting. The Treasurer will perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson or by the steering committee. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Vice Chairperson may assume these duties. A monetary stipend shall be provided to the Treasurer determined by a yearly vote from the SIDLIT steering committee. The Treasurer shall also receive free registration to all C2C events.

C2C Leadership Team

The Leadership Team is composed of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Leadership Team shall serve as the foundation of the steering committee to handle C2C business and plan the events of the organization.

Regular Events

C2C will maintain a web presence, including social media, plan the annual Summer Institute on Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (SIDLIT), and any additional events. Whenever practical, SIDLIT should be hosted at the Chair’s institution for practical purposes and ease of planning. If the Chair’s home institution cannot accommodate the event, the Chair and Vice-Chair may, at their discretion, determine that the Vice-Chair’s home institution or another institution would be better suited for the event.


C2C shall create, design, and maintain a digital publication. This publication will be managed by a subcommittee, which will report to the Secretary. This digital publication shall reflect the general interests and themes of C2C and SIDLIT, feature articles from C2C events and presentations, as well as related scholarship.

C2C Steering Committee

The C2C Steering Committee shall be composed of volunteers from the membership and organized by sub-committees. Each sub-committee will be led by a chairperson approved by the Chairperson of C2C. The Chairperson of the sub-committee shall conduct and hold meetings for their sub-committee, and is responsible to report to the Steering Committee at large at official meetings. Additional sub-committees can be created as needed by the Chairperson.

Contact Us

To become a member of Colleague to Colleague, or to make other inquiries, please send e-mail to info@c2conline.org.


From time to time, C2C may take photographs or video at any of its events. C2C assumes your attendance indicates your consent to having your image used in potential future marketing materials. Event registration also involves explicit signing of such a release.  If you have any questions regarding this policy, please email info@c2conline.org.  If you would like to request non-release of any images with your likeness on it, please contact the event organizers and cc: the prior email address.  Thank you for your participation and support of C2C!

Updated May 16, 2018